Submit Your Photos

Want your photographs featured?
All Rim of the World Recreation and Park District amateur photogaphers are encouraged to capture your favorite ROWRPD parks and programs on the mountain. Favorite photos could be featured in our upcoming eblast, social media post, and on the website.
Photos will be selected based on:
- Composition - subject, lighting, etc.
- Season Variety - seasonal photographs are needed
- Photograph Location/Setting - a mix of ball fields, community centers, playgrounds, amenities, and people (and pets!)
Submit your photos:
- All images must be submitted online
- Only high-resolution images will be accepted (at least 300 dpi)
Rules and Requirements:
- Images must be recently taken within the ROWRPD boundaries (Crestline to Green Valley Lake) and of ROWRPD property (MacKay Park is owned and operated by San Bernardino County Special Districts).
- Anyone in the photo must know they are in the photo and must give consent to appear in the photo.
- All submissions become property of ROWPRD and may be used in any ROWRPD publication and promotional materials, and electronic media without limitation or compensation.
- Each photo entry must include the photograher's name, address, phone number, email address, and age (if under 18) and include where your photo was taken.