Awards and History
Special District Risk Management Authority President's Special Acknowledgement Award to recognize members wiht no "paid" claims during ther prior five consecutive program years in the Worker' Compensation Program. A "paid" claim for the purposes of this recognition represents the first payment on an open claim during that same period.
Ted Winslow Safety Award for Cycle XV from the California Association for Park and Recreation Indemnity (CAPRI).
The California Association of Recreation and Park Districts (CARPD) awarded the Rim of the World Recreation and Park District the Outstanding Renovated Facility for Small Districts for the usage of the Lake Gregory Education and Community Center.
Agency of the Year Award from the Running Springs Area Chamber of Commerce. The Running Springs Chamber of Commerce awarded the Rim of the World Recreation and Park District as Agency of the Year at their 2016 Annual Board of Directors Installation and Recognition Dinner at the Snow Valley Mountain Resort on October 29, 2016
Ted Winslow Safety Award for Cycle XIV from the California Association for Park and Recreation Indemnity (CAPRI).
The Running Springs Chamber of Commerce awarded the Rim of the World Recreation and Park District as Agency of the Year at their 2016 Annual Board of Directors Installation and Recognition Dinner at the Snow Valley Mountain Resort on October 29, 2016.
The California Association for Park & Recreation Indemnity (CAPRI) awarded the Rim of the World Recreation and Park District the Ted Winslow Safety Award for Cycle XIV for receiving the highest rating after a district visitation.
The California Association of Recreation and Park Districts (CARPD) awarded the Rim of the World Recreation and Park District the Outstanding Innovative Program Award for the Rim Youth Track and Field Program.
The Rim Of The World Recreation And Park District Was Created In December 1985 as a result of a majority vote of rim residents to transfer control of local recreation facilities from the county of San Bernardino to an independent local district. The Park District Is one of only three independent park districts in the county or by individual cities.
The precursor of the park district was county of San Bernardino-operated county service area (CSA 70 P-3), formed in June 1981 and administered by an interim district director and an advisory commission composed of local residents from communities with the park district.
The first park districts general manager was hired in 1984, one year before the formation of the Rim of the World Recreation and Park District as an independent special district. The park district's first master planning effort, completed during the CSA period, was the 1983 comprehensive plan, which resulted in plans to upgrade or construct four community parks and two senior/community centers: Crestline Village Park, Lake Gregory Park Ball Field, Running Springs School Park/Robert Hootman Senior/Communities Center, and the Twin Peaks Recreation Park/Mountain Communities Senior/Communities Center.
Other important park district milestones include: July 1982: lease on 12-arce site (now the Twin Peaks recreation park) was assigned to the Park District by the Rim Youth Sports League, in fee title. November 1983: using an $82,000 grant from the office of community development and donations from local businesses and residents, the Park District completes construction of the Mountain Communities Twin Peaks Senior/Community Center.
November 8, 1983: by a two-thirds majority, voters in the park district approved a $10 per parcel annual assessment to provide funding for park programs. The approximately 38,000 parcels in the park district result in annual income from this source of approximately $380,000, substantially increasing the ability of the park district to provide facilities and programs.
NOTE: We are still working on the history of the Park District. Any past directors that would like to contribute are encouraged to do so.