Playgrounds are open! UPDATE: PARK DISTRICT CLOSURES in regard to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
UPDATE as of Wednesday, September 30, 2020
As of September 29, 2020 the California Department of Public Health announced that all outdoor playgrounds and other OUTDOOR recreational facilities may open. These are fully outdoor facilities that are publicly accessible and free to use. These facilities typically include recreational equipment, like play structures, slides, swings, etc.
The Park District has posted the State “Play it Safe” notice that reminds visitors of outdoor recreational areas to wear a mask, maintain distance, do not bring in any food or drink, sanitize hands before and after visit, plan ahead, know when to stay home, and share the space to avoid crowding.
OPENINGS: Playgrounds, public restrooms, and other non-specified Open Space and Child Day Care/Day Camps as officially permitted.
CLOSURES STILL IN EFFECT: Community Centers and enclosed public spaces like the District Office (including the Dance & Fitness Studio and Activity Room/Gym) are still currently closed as mandated by guidelines until further notice.
Rentals for ballfields and picnic areas/shelters are still not permitted per state guidelines.
The Rim of the World Recreation and Park District has implemented a K-5th Grade Enrichment Center program to assist essential working parents due to schools being closed in the Rim Mountain Community. More information can be found on our website, or our online catalog.
The Sunrise Children’s Club Preschool, conveniently located in Rimforest next door to the District Office is open and has space available for children ages 3-5 years old. All children must be potty trained. Schedule a free tour or call the Park District Office for more information, (909) 337-7275. More information can be found on our website, or our online catalog.
The Rim of the World Recreation and Park District is a public agency and therefore must follow state and county guidelines when it comes to the COVID-19 response and closure of public facilities and public spaces.
The Park District wants nothing more than to open these facilities once guideline restrictions are lifted.
We encourage you to contact your county and state officials if you have any questions.
San Bernardino County – (909) 387-3911
State of California – (833) 422-4255
This is a rapidly evolving and fluid situation; all this information is subject to change.
Please check back for updates on these and other programs as we receive them. We appreciate your patience and understanding and wish health and safety to you and yours. If you have any questions you can email