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Park District Applies for Prop 68 Grant Funding 

Park District Applies for Proposition 68 Recreational Infrastructure Revenue Enhancement Allocation Grant

In November, 2020 the California Department of Parks and Recreation announced $37 million in Recreational Infrastructure Revenue Enhancement Allocations. This would be round 4 of submissions that were originally from the allocations funded through the Park and Water Bond Act of 2018 (Proposition 68).

For round 4 (for which the Park District qualified), applications for the Twin Peaks Park Site and the Running Springs Ball Field Site have been submitted. In the application process, the Park District was required to submit project proposals for improvements or enhancements at these existing local parks that target underserved communities and projected the total of enhancements (both sites) will cost $6,747,500. The grant application provides a fact-finder database to locate these areas within the Park District’s boundaries, so all submissions fit the criteria before any attempt to apply is taken.

Applying for grants like this is very important to the Park District. As a smaller independent special district, the Park District encompasses a vast area of approximately 110 square miles. The Park District operates on a budget of $1.162 million, of which only 2/3 is provided by a fixed-rate $22 annual per-parcel tax that does not adjust for inflation, and the remainder of which comes from service usage fees.

The Park District strives to find reasonable avenues and ethically sound opportunities to enhance open space and recreational amenities for our constituents.

If you have any questions, please email the Park District office,

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